Cuba 2014 for Princeton 1972 - Blogs and Photos
Numerous classmates participated in a trip sponsored by Princeton Journeys, the educational travel arm
of Princeton's Office of the Alumni Association: Cuba Interactions With The Class
of 1972. This once-in-a-lifetime
opportunity to participate in an educational exchange was made possible
through the
granting of special permission of the U. S. Department of the Treasury
has accepted the Office of Alumni Association certification that every
participant had a full schedule of educational exchanges across a
cross section of Cuban citizens who represent the rich cultural
traditions of
this island nation. Participants mingled, interacted and exchanged with individual students,
artists and professionals.
Grif Johnson provided a blog on the trip here. Password is Cuba.
Linda Martinson (classmate Andy Stratton's spouse) provided Glimpses of Cuba here and Candid Photos of the trip here.