of 1972 Virginia Civil War Battlefield Tour, April 10-14, 2013
Ed Strauss, Class Historian
Participants in the
sixth Class of 1972 Civil War Battlefield Journey mustered in
Virginia’s (and the Confederacy’s) capital city, Richmond, on
Wednesday April 10, 2013. Some were on their first tour in the
uniquely enlightening company of Princeton’s professor of history
emeritus Jim McPherson and his wife Pat (both honorary members of
1972); others had been on all five previous trips, dating back to
2004 (to Gettysburg, twice; Antietam-Harpers Ferry, Shiloh-Vicksburg,
and Chattanooga-Atlanta). Classmates and spouses traveled from as far
as Vermont, Texas, Colorado, California, and Oregon. In contrast to
the record-breaking 91-degree temperatures in the city that
afternoon, some travelers were delayed by Midwestern snowstorms. We
checked in at the majestic Jefferson Hotel in downtown Richmond and
gathered for cocktails in its soaring Rotunda, then moved on to the
Empire Room for a buffet dinner inaugurating the program.
Thursday morning
we boarded two comfortable chartered buses and drove about sixty
miles due north on I-95 to the venerable town of Fredericksburg on
the Rappahannock River. Our first stop was the riverbank site where
Ambrose Burnside's Union forces crossed by pontoons into the town,
under Confederate gunfire, December 11-12, 1862. On December 13, once
a sizeable number of Union regiments had funneled across the river
into Fredericksburg, their commanders repeatedly launched futile,
bloody assaults against Confederate defenders entrenched on Marye’s
Heights just beyond the far side of town. We walked along the
notorious sunken road and its stone wall behind which riflemen poured
murderous fire upon successive waves of attacking Northerners, not
one of whom reached the wall. We then drove south to the farthest
right end of the Confederate defenders’ line, at Prospect Hill,
scene of another Union river crossing and bold advance which briefly
broke through but was bloodily repulsed.
We then headed west
along the Plank Road, paralleling the Rappahannock, to the May 1863
battlefield of Chancellorsville, scene of another massive Union
advance toward Richmond not quite six months after the Fredericksburg
fiasco. As before, the Confederates were led by Robert E. Lee, ably
seconded by Thomas "Stonewall” Jackson, who led a daring,
undetected, day-long forced march through the woods, swinging far
around the troops encamped on the unsuspecting Union flank, then
launched a surprise late-afternoon attack that sent O.O. Howard’s
whole shattered XI Corps reeling -- in a day which ended with
Jackson’s being mortally wounded by friendly fire. We traced a bit
of Jackson’s densely wooded route past Catharine’s Furnace to the
scene of the XI Corps’ debacle and Jackson’s fatal wounding. We
then viewed the scene of the following day’s artillery duel between
Confederate cannon at Hazel Grove and Union guns at Fairview, sited
near General "Fighting Joe” Hooker’s headquarters at the
now-ruined Chancellorsville Inn (where Hooker was temporarily stunned
by a cannonball striking a front-porch pillar on which he was
Thursday evening,
after returning to Richmond, small groups of us enjoyed a
"dine-around” in more than a dozen different local restaurants
recommended by local ’72 power couple Jack and Meg Crews (on our
day-trips we enjoyed delicious box lunches from Sally Bell’s, just
one more invaluable connection by Jack and Meg). Friday morning we
took the same bus route from Richmond to battleground just to the
west of Chancellorsville where we’d been on Thursday. Here in early
May 1864, almost exactly a year later than the events we’d covered
the day before, the massive U.S. Army of the Potomac, now commanded
by George Meade but under the overall leadership of Ulysses Grant,
again forded the Rappahannock and immediately sought battle with
Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia in the entangled forest called The
Wilderness, where fighting raged for several days. We viewed the
scenes of some of the most ferocious combat -- Saunders Field, the
Widow Tapp’s Farm, the fiercely contested intersection of Brock and
Plank Roads.
Unlike their
predecessors -- Burnside at Fredericksburg in 1862 and Hooker at
nearby Chancellorsville in 1863 -- this time Meade and Grant came
expressly to fight Lee head-on, and did not slink away after several
days of ferocious brawling, but instead pressed further south to the
key road junction of Spotsylvania Courthouse, around which the
fighting raged for several weeks, notably at the "Mule Shoe” and
"Bloody Angle” entrenchments, the remnants of which we tramped
along and surveyed close-hand, while benefiting from the expertise,
analysis, and superb commentary of Prof. McPherson.
Back to Richmond and
an elegant dinner in the Marble Hall of the Virginia Museum of Fine
Arts, another of the city’s dramatic interior spaces, after an
opportunity to view some of the museum’s renowned holdings. On
Saturday we visited battlefields closer to the capital city itself,
starting with the sites of the Seven Days’ Battles, June 25-July 1,
1862, where Lee repeatedly pummeled the invading Union forces of Gen.
George McClellan, pushing them back from the outskirts of Richmond
(Battles of Mechanicsville / Beaver Dam Creek, Gaines’ Mill --
Lee’s largest attack of the whole Civil War -- Glendale / Frayser’s
Farm, Malvern Hill) in a mix of aggressive combat, steady
intimidation, and stealth -- playing upon McClellan’s ungrounded
fears of a lopsidedly overwhelming foe -- all the way to the banks of
the James River and eventual evacuation.
We also had a look
at the Cold Harbor battlefield, where, May 31-June 12, 1864, the
forces of Grant -- as close as he would get to Richmond before its
eventual surrender, eleven months later -- and Lee, having fought to
a draw at Spotsylvania and maneuvered south, dug in and pounded each
other from face-to-face entrenchments -- a brutal harbinger of
warfare to come on the Western Front in France, fifty years later.
We ended the
afternoon retracing the path of Confederate troops’ futile advance
up the gentle slope of Malvern Hill in the face of withering Union
artillery fire, on the seventh day of the Seven Days’ Battles, July
1, 1862 (one year before the first day of Gettysburg).
Saturday evening,
having completed our tour of eighteen months’ worth of battlefield
sites around the capital, we enjoyed cocktails and a gala dinner at
Richmond’s Commonwealth Club, under the gaze of numerous portraits
of Confederate generals, and words of welcome from Ed Ayers,
President of the University of Richmond. We presented Prof.
McPherson, already an honorary member of the Class, with our 25th
Reunion jacket in recognition of all he has given us in the past ten
years. On Sunday -- 84-strong, including 49 Classmates, 30 spouses, 3
friends, 1 widow, and 1 father-in-law -- we said farewell and headed
off to various compass-points, including a contingent who headed west
to Appomattox.
Tour stops,
locations of note:
Thursday, April
11: Fredericksburg: Rappahannock pontoon crossing,
Battlefield Visitor Center, Sunken Road, Stone Wall, Marye’s
Heights, Cobb Monument, Innis House, Kirkland Monument, National
Cemetery; Prospect Hill, site of Federal breakthrough.Chancellorsville:
Battlefield Visitor Center and site of Jackson’s wounding,
Lee-Jackson Bivouac, Catharine Furnace remains, Jackson’s flank
attack site, batteries at Hazel Grove and Fairview, Chancellorsville
Inn site.
Friday, April 12:
The Wilderness: Saunders Field Exhibit Shelter, Gordon’s
flank-attack trail, Widow Tapp Farm, Texas Brigade Monument, Vermont
Monument, Brock Road-Plank Road intersection. Spotsylvania:
Exhibit Shelter, site of Sedgwick’s death, Laurel
Hill, site of Upton’s attack, Mule Shoe, Bloody Angle, site
of McCoull House.
Saturday April 13: Chickahominy Bluff, Mechanicsville / Beaver Dam Creek / site
of Ellerson’s Mill, Gaines’ Mill (Watt House), Cold Harbor
Visitor Center, opposing Union and Confederate entrenchments at Cold
Harbor, Hancock County Park, Savage’s Station, White Oak Swamp,
Glendale / Frayser’s Farm, Malvern Hill (Parsonage ruins, route of
Confederate attack on the West House).