The Women of '72

Women of '72 Photo Albums

This webpage is a place for the Women of'72 to call our own—for purposes we propose to explore together. Its creation was inspired by some sweet serendipity shared by the 16 women of our class who attended our recent 45th Reunion. First, a brief spell of bad weather turned our brunch gathering on Reunions Saturday into an intimate interlude. Then, under clear skies and brilliant sunshine a few hours later, an impromptu walk together behind a new "1972 Women" banner turned into an emotional, triumphant march of celebration as we were cheered and applauded along the entire P-Rade route. We invite you to experience some of those vibes as recorded in "45th Reunion Reflections".

In short, our 45th experience reminded us that we hold a unique place in Princeton's history – all 63 women in the Class of 1972. At the same time, we reveled in the individual, unique life stories that we shared. Some among us were longtime friends. Many others were just getting acquainted.

For all, the time seemed way too short.

This is a space where seeds planted at our 45th might continue to take root and perhaps spread. It can be a virtual community, a place to share our stories past and present, a bulletin board for posting events or musings – whatever we collectively want it to be, or simply fashion by using it.

Add your voice

You can post comments at the bottom of this Women's home page (see below) or from any linked page. To start the ball rolling, we've set up a few pages (see menu above) where we hope others will chime in with their own stories. Other pages will be added as seem useful for any new topics that might emerge from postings or conversation threads. Here are a few initial thoughts to consider:

  • Everyone will likely enjoy news and photos from impromptu or more formal gatherings with other women in the class in your region or during your travels – as well as proposals for upcoming get-togethers.
  • Class and University news of particular interest to alumnae may well deserve a spotlight in our pages. The University recently sent an eblast about plans for a She Roars 2018 conference next October. A number of us participated in the inaugural alumnae conference in 2011. Maybe this can be a reason for more of us to come together at next year's event.
  • As we launch these new pages, we give special thoughts to women in our class who were in harm's way during recent natural disasters in Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico and other Caribbean islands. If you want to tell us how you fared or just reassure fellow classmates of your well-being, post to the bottom of this page, and we will set up a page for others to respond or contribute.

For more private networking…

You can also take it offline to respond to others' posts – either to individuals or to our Contact List. As noted on that page, you can join the list for easiest, immediate access to other participants. Of course, you can also look for contact phone numbers and email addresses in the Class Directory.


And don't forget photos…

We are creating several new albums specifically for the Women of '72 – see above menu. While the class website is transitioning to Cloud-based photo albums, email Daryl English if you would like to add photos to any of our albums. (See Women of '72 45th Reunion photo album here.)